EU projekti
- GAPP-PRO Piloting GAPP model approach for assessing and authorizing novel substances of human origin preparation PROcess
- GAPP Facilitating the Authorisation of Preparation Process for blood and tissues and cells
- EDITH - The Effect of Differing Kidney Disease Treatment Modalities and Organ Donation and Transplantation Practices on Health Expenditure and Patient Outcomes
- EUDONORGAN - Training and social awareness for increasing organ donation in the European Union and negihbouring countries
- EURO-GTP II - Good Tissue & Cell Practices
- ODEQUS - Organ donation European Quality system (projekt završen)
- FOEDUS - Facilitating collaboration on organ donation between national authorities in the European Union (projekt završen)
- ACCORD - Achieving Comprehensive Coordination in Organ Donation (projekt završen)
- Jačanje institucionalnih kapaciteta za krv, tkiva i stanice i medicinski pomognutu oplodnju - IPA (projekt završen)