Health tourism

The global trend of travel for health has influenced the development of health tourism in the Republic of Croatia, which has had a long tradition as a health tourist destination in this part of Europe. Given the significant comparative advantages of the Republic of Croatia for the development of health tourism, which primarily include the provision of high-level health services, professional and qualified staff, natural beauty and a favourable climate, a long tradition in tourism, proximity to large markets, high security of the country and competitive prices, health tourism is a product with high growth potential. The Republic of Croatia is already recognized as a destination that provides medical tourism services - dental medicine, aesthetic medicine, ophthalmology and optometry, orthopaedics, oncology and other services.
Health services in health tourism may be provided by health institutions, health care companies and private health professionals. Spa services may only be provided by special hospitals and health resorts. Medical wellness services may be provided by health institutions, health care companies, private health workers, tourist medical service and other legal entities that, in accordance with a special regulation, perform catering activities and/or provide services in tourism.

Health institutions and private health professionals may provide health services in health tourism only outside the capacities contracted with the Croatian Health Insurance Fund.
Health institutions, health care companies and private health professionals may also provide services in tourism in accordance with the regulations governing the provision of services in tourism and perform catering activities in accordance with the regulations governing the performance of catering activities.
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